People with a disability

People with a Disability


People with a disability have the right to explore, express and enjoy their sexuality. They also have the right to counselling that is accessible and appropriate to their relationships, sexual needs, communication and way of learning.

Counselling sessions aim to develop knowledge and skills, enabling people to be independent and to make informed choices regarding their sexuality, sexual health and practices. Sessions may be designed to be educational and help people to fill in the gaps of their sexuality education, or support people with more complex and intimate sexuality needs, including gender, sexuality orientation and sexual practices. Counselling may support people who are vulnerable. Some people may have offending behaviours and need support with sexuality and the law, or need protective behaviours due to disinhibition.

Counselling sessions, may also be for couples, who are looking for information and support to make choices together.

All Birds and Bees counselling and education sessions are person centred and are designed specifically for each individual. Sessions may include sexual history, assessment, program design, delivery, as well as resources and reports.


People with a disability have the same needs as everyone else for counselling support.

Birds and Bees can offer generic counselling for people with a disability based around understanding themselves and/or the impact of their disability. Individuals may seek help to gain a greater sense of wellbeing and positive personal regard or to discuss difficulties and barriers. With specialist qualifications and experience working with people on the autism spectrum and intellectual difficulties, counselling sessions are designed specifically to suit people with these unique learning and communication styles and include relationship development, steps to building relationships and social skills for relationships.

Counselling sessions are available via teleconferencing if transport or distance is a problem.

All Birds and Bees programs are based on Comprehensive Sexuality Education framework and are

*grounded in human rights
*age appropriate
*scientifically accurate
*based in gender equality and cultural competence
*positive in their approach to sexuality.

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